
Undergraduate and graduate students, but also students who completed their graduate studies in the summer semester of 2024 (after the 1st of March 2024) can apply as active participants.

Students can present only their own scientific research work in chemistry or a related field. Literature reviews, presentation of other people's results, announcements such as "Life and work of Lavoslav Ružička", "History of the periodic system of elements" etc. cannot be registered.

Presentations can be held in Croatian or English, but all written content must be in English. This includes abstracts, presentation slides and posters.

For poster announcements: the maximum dimensions of the poster are 100 cm x 80 cm (100 cm is the height and 80 cm is the width).

For oral presentations: the duration of the presentation is limited to 15 minutes (it is recommended that the presentation is 10 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion).

The abstract must be sent by the 1st of September 2024 to the e-mail address of the Symposium (

Click the link for abstract writing instructions and an abstract writing template.

Enjoy and good luck! 😊